- class MTProphesee(name: str, root='./data', batch_size=4, num_steps=128, time_step=16, num_load_file=8, num_workers=4)[source]#
Multi-target Prophesee’s gen1 and 1mpx datasets.
The packages are provided in a multi-target form, meaning that one example can contain target labels at multiple time steps. Records are split into fixed-step chunks that are returned sequentially. Intended for testing. There is single-target dataset for training.
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the dataset to download. Supported
.root (str, optional) – The directory where datasets are stored. Defaults to “./data”.
batch_size (int, optional) – Number of elements in a batch. Defaults to 4.
num_steps (int, optional) – Number of frames. Defaults to 16.
time_step (int, optional) – Time between frames. Defaults to 16.
num_load_file (int, optional) – Number of concurrently open files in each thread. Defaults to 8.
num_workers (int, optional) – A positive integer will turn on multi-process data loading with the specified number of loader worker processes. Defaults to 4.
- Raises:
ValueError – Invalid dataset name.
Initializes dataset