Model generation tools
Custom types
List for recursive model generation
.. data:: ListGen
:type: List[LayerGen | ListGen]
List for storing the state of the model
.. data:: ListState
:type: List[torch.Tensor | None | ListState]
import torch
from torch import nn
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
from norse.torch.utils.state import _is_module_stateful
from utils.anchors import AnchorGenerator
from .modules import *
# Block Generators #
type ListGen = List[LayerGen | ListGen]
type ListState = List[torch.Tensor | None | ListState]
class BlockGen(nn.Module):
"""Block generator for the network
Takes as input two-dimensional arrays of :class:`LayerGen <models.modules.LayerGen>`.
The inner dimensions are sequential, the outer ones are added together.
Lists can include blocks from other two-dimensional lists.
They will be considered recursively.
.. code-block::
:caption: Simple configuration list example
def vgg_block(out_channels: int, kernel: int = 3):
return Conv(out_channels, kernel), Norm(), LIF()
cfgs: ListGen = [
*vgg_block(8), Pool("S"), *vgg_block(32), Pool("S"), *vgg_block(64), Pool("S")
.. code-block::
:caption: Example of a configuration list with residual links
def conv(out_channels: int, kernel: int = 3, stride: int = 1):
return (
Conv(out_channels, stride=stride, kernel_size=kernel),
def res_block(out_channels: int, kernel: int = 3):
return (
Conv(out_channels, 1),
# Residual block. The values from all branches are added together
[*conv(out_channels, kernel)],
[Conv(out_channels, 1)],
Conv(out_channels, 1),
cfgs: ListGen = [
*conv(64, 7, 2), *res_block(64, 5), *conv(128, 5, 2), *res_block(128)
out_channels: int = 0
"""The number of channels that will be after applying this block to
a tensor with ``in_channels`` channels."""
def __init__(self, in_channels: int, cfgs: ListGen):
:param in_channels: Number of input channels.
:type in_channels: int
:param cfgs: Two-dimensional lists of layer generators.
:type cfgs: ListGen
branch_list: List[nn.ModuleList] = []
self.branch_state: List[List[bool]] = []
if isinstance(cfgs, Residual):
self.out_type = self._residual_out
self.channels_calc = self._residual_channels
elif isinstance(cfgs, Dense):
self.out_type = self._dense_out
self.channels_calc = self._dense_channels
self.out_type = self._forward_out
self.channels_calc = self._forward_channels
cfgs = [cfgs]
for branch_cfg in cfgs:
layer_list, state_layers, out_channels = self._make_branch(
in_channels, branch_cfg
self.net = nn.ModuleList(branch_list)
def _make_branch(
self, in_channels: int, cfg: ListGen
) -> Tuple[nn.ModuleList, List[bool], int]:
"""Recursively generates a network branch from a configuration list
:param in_channels: Number of input channels.
:type in_channels: int
:param cfg: Lists of layer generators.
:type cfg: ListGen
1. List of modules;
2. Mask of layers requiring states;
2. Number of output channels;
:rtype: Tuple[nn.ModuleList, List[bool], int]
state_layers: List[bool] = []
layer_list: List[nn.Module] = []
channels = in_channels
for layer_gen in cfg:
if isinstance(layer_gen, list):
layer = BlockGen(channels, layer_gen)
channels = layer.out_channels
layer, channels = layer_gen.get(channels)
return nn.ModuleList(layer_list), state_layers, channels
def _residual_out(self, out: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.stack(out).sum(dim=0)
def _residual_channels(self, channels: int) -> torch.Tensor:
if not self.out_channels:
self.out_channels = channels
elif self.out_channels != channels:
raise RuntimeError(
"[ERROR]: The number of channels in the residual "
"network does not match! Check the configuration settings."
def _dense_out(self, out: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
return torch.cat(out, dim=1)
def _dense_channels(self, channels: int) -> torch.Tensor:
self.out_channels += channels
def _forward_out(self, out: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
return out[0]
def _forward_channels(self, channels: int) -> torch.Tensor:
self.out_channels = channels
def forward(
self, X: torch.Tensor, state: ListState | None = None
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ListState]:
"""Direct block pass
:param X: Input tensor. Shape is Shape [batch, channel, h, w].
:type X: torch.Tensor
:param state: List of block layer states. Defaults to None.
:type state: ListState | None, optional
:return: The resulting tensor and the list of new states.
:rtype: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ListState]
out = []
out_state = []
state = [None] * len(self.net) if state is None else state
for branch, state_flags, branch_state in zip(
self.net, self.branch_state, state
branch_state = (
[None] * len(branch) if branch_state is None else branch_state
Y = X
for idx, (layer, is_state) in enumerate(zip(branch, state_flags)):
if is_state:
Y, branch_state[idx] = layer(Y, branch_state[idx])
Y = layer(Y)
return self.out_type(out), out_state
# Backbone Generator #
class BaseConfig:
"""Base class for model configuration generators"""
def backbone_cfgs(self) -> ListGen:
"""Generates and returns a network backbone configuration
:return: Backbone configuration.
:rtype: ListGen
raise NotImplementedError
def neck_cfgs(self) -> ListGen:
"""Generates and returns a network neck configuration
:return: Neck configuration.
:rtype: ListGen
raise NotImplementedError
def head_cfgs(self, box_out: int, cls_out: int) -> ListGen:
"""Generates and returns a network head configuration
:param box_out: Number of output channels for box predictions.
:type box_out: int
:param cls_out: Number of output channels for class predictions.
:type cls_out: int
:return: Head configuration.
:rtype: ListGen
raise NotImplementedError
# Backbone Generator #
class ModelGen(nn.Module):
"""Base class for model generators
Class :class:`BlockGen` is used as a generation tool.
Child classes must define ways to process input and output data.
Different variants are presented in classes :class:`models.backbone.BackboneGen`,
:class:`models.neck.NeckGen`, :class:`models.head.HeadGen`.
.. warning::
This class can only be used as a base class for inheritance.
out_channels: int = 0
"""The number of channels that will be after applying this block to
a tensor with ``in_channels`` channels."""
default_cfgs: Dict[str, ListGen] = {}
"""List of configurations provided by default."""
def __init__(
cfg: BaseConfig,
in_channels: int = 2,
init_weights: bool = True,
) -> None:
:param cfg: Network Configuration Generator.
:type cfg: BaseConfig
:param in_channels: Number of input channels. Defaults to 2.
:type in_channels: int, optional
:param init_weights: If ``true`` apply weight initialization function.
Defaults to True.
:type init_weights: bool, optional
self.net_cfg = self._load_cfg(cfg)
if init_weights:
for m in self.modules():
if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
m.weight, mode="fan_out", nonlinearity="relu"
if m.bias is not None:
nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
nn.init.constant_(m.weight, 1)
if m.bias is not None:
nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0)
def _net_generator(self, in_channels: int) -> None:
self.net = BlockGen(in_channels, self.net_cfg)
self.out_channels = self.net.out_channels
def _load_cfg(self, cfg: BaseConfig) -> ListGen:
raise NotImplementedError
def forward_impl(self, X: torch.Tensor, state: ListState | None = None):
"""State-based network pass
:param X: Input tensor. Shape is Shape [batch, channel, h, w].
:type X: torch.Tensor
:param state: List of block layer states. Defaults to None.
:type state: ListState | None, optional
:return: The resulting tensor and the list of new states.
:rtype: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ListState]
raise NotImplementedError
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor):
"""Network pass for data containing time resolution
:param X: Input tensor. Shape is Shape [ts, batch, channel, h, w].
:type X: torch.Tensor
:return: The resulting tensor and the list of new states.
:rtype: torch.Tensor,
raise NotImplementedError
# Backbone Generator #
class BackboneGen(ModelGen):
"""Model base generator
Returns the tensor from the last layer of the network.
def _load_cfg(self, cfg: BaseConfig) -> ListGen:
return cfg.backbone_cfgs()
def forward_impl(
self, X: torch.Tensor, state: ListState | None
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ListState]:
return self.net(X, state)
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
out = []
state = None
for time_step_x in X:
Y, state = self.forward_impl(time_step_x, state)
return torch.stack(out)
# Neck Generator #
class NeckGen(ModelGen):
"""Network neck generator
Returns a list of tensors that were stored in the
:class:`models.modules.Return` layers.
out_shape: List[int]
"""Stores the format of the output data
- The number of elements is equal to the number of tensors in the output list.
- The numeric value is equal to the number of channels of the corresponding tensor.
This data is required to initialize :class:`models.head.Head`.
def __init__(
self, cfg: str | ListGen, in_channels: int = 2, init_weights: bool = False
super().__init__(cfg, in_channels, init_weights)
self.out_shape = self._search_out(self.net_cfg)
def _search_out(self, cfg: str | ListGen) -> List[int]:
"""Finds the indices of the layers from which it is necessary to obtain tensors
:param cfg: Lists of layer generators.
:type cfg: str | ListGen
:return: List of layer indices from which values will be returned.
:rtype: List[int]
out: List[int] = []
for module in cfg:
if isinstance(module, Return):
elif isinstance(module, list):
out += self._search_out(module)
return out
def _load_cfg(self, cfg: BaseConfig) -> ListGen:
return cfg.neck_cfgs()
def forward_impl(
self, X: List[torch.Tensor], state: ListState | None
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ListState]:
out = []
_, state = self.net(X, state)
for module in self.net.modules():
if isinstance(module, Storage):
return out, state
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
storage: List[List[torch.Tensor]] = [[] for _ in self.out_shape]
state = None
for time_step_x in X:
Y, state = self.forward_impl(time_step_x, state)
for idx, res in enumerate(Y):
out: List[torch.Tensor] = []
for ret_layer in storage:
return out
# Head descriptor #
class Head(nn.Module):
"""Head model holder
Applies a head model to multiple maps and merges them.
For each input map, its own :class:`HeadGen` model is generated.
Predictions obtained for different feature maps are combined.
def __init__(
cfg: str | ListGen,
num_classes: int,
in_shape: List[int],
init_weights: bool = True,
) -> None:
:param cfg: Lists of layer generators.
:type cfg: str | ListGen
:param num_classes: Number of classes.
:type num_classes: int
:param in_shape: Input data format.
Expecting to receive a list of :attr:`models.neck.NeckGen.out_shape`
:type in_shape: List[int]
:param init_weights: If ``true`` apply weight initialization function.
Defaults to True.
:type init_weights: bool, optional
self.num_classes = num_classes
# TODO Automatic calculation
max = 0.75
min = 0.08
size_per_pix = 3
sizes = torch.arange(
min, max, (max - min) / (len(in_shape) * size_per_pix), dtype=torch.float32
sizes = sizes.reshape((-1, size_per_pix))
ratios = torch.tensor((0.5, 1.0, 2), dtype=torch.float32)
num_anchors = size_per_pix * len(ratios)
num_class_out = num_anchors * (self.num_classes + 1)
num_box_out = num_anchors * 4
for idx, channels in enumerate(in_shape):
AnchorGenerator(sizes=sizes[idx], ratios=ratios),
HeadGen(cfg, num_box_out, num_class_out, channels, init_weights),
def forward(
self, X: List[torch.Tensor]
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Direct network pass
:param X: Feature map list. One map shape [ts, batch, channel, h, w].
:type X: List[torch.Tensor]
:return: Predictions made by a neural network.
Contains three tensors:
1. anchors: Shape [anchor, 4]
2. cls_preds: Shape [ts, batch, anchor, num_classes + 1]
3. bbox_preds: Shape [ts, batch, anchor, 4]
:rtype: tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]
anchors, cls_preds, bbox_preds = [], [], []
for idx, map in enumerate(X):
anchors.append(getattr(self, f"anchor_gen_{idx}")(map))
boxes, classes = getattr(self, f"model_{idx}")(map)
anchors = torch.cat(anchors, dim=0)
cls_preds = self._concat_preds(cls_preds)
cls_preds = cls_preds.reshape(
cls_preds.shape[0], cls_preds.shape[1], -1, self.num_classes + 1
bbox_preds = self._concat_preds(bbox_preds)
bbox_preds = bbox_preds.reshape(bbox_preds.shape[0], bbox_preds.shape[1], -1, 4)
return anchors, cls_preds, bbox_preds
def _flatten_pred(self, pred: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Transforms the tensor so that each pixel retains channels values and smooths each batch"""
return torch.flatten(torch.permute(pred, (0, 1, 3, 4, 2)), start_dim=2)
def _concat_preds(self, preds: list[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Concatenating Predictions for Multiple Scales"""
return torch.cat([self._flatten_pred(p) for p in preds], dim=2)
# Head Generator #
class HeadGen(ModelGen):
"""Model head generator
The configuration lists for this module look different.
.. code-block::
:caption: Configuration list example
cfgs: ListGen = [
Conv(box_out, 1),
Conv(cls_out, 1),
The configuration includes three lists:
- The first one is for data preparation
- The second one is for box prediction
- The third one is for class prediction
Box and class prediction models use the output of the preparation
network as input.
def __init__(
cfg: str | ListGen,
box_out: int,
cls_out: int,
in_channels: int = 2,
:param cfg: Lists of layer generators.
:type cfg: str | ListGen
:param box_out: The number of channels obtained as a result of the class prediction network.
:type box_out: int
:param cls_out: The number of channels obtained as a result of the box prediction network.
:type cls_out: int
:param in_channels: Number of input channels. Defaults to 2.
:type in_channels: int, optional
:param init_weights: If ``true`` apply weight initialization function.
Defaults to True.
:type init_weights: bool, optional
self.box_out = box_out
self.cls_out = cls_out
super().__init__(cfg, in_channels, init_weights)
def _net_generator(self, in_channels: int) -> None:
self.base_net = BlockGen(in_channels, [self.net_cfg[0]])
self.box_net = BlockGen(self.base_net.out_channels, [self.net_cfg[1]])
self.cls_net = BlockGen(self.base_net.out_channels, [self.net_cfg[2]])
def _load_cfg(self, cfg: BaseConfig) -> ListGen:
return cfg.head_cfgs(self.box_out, self.cls_out)
def forward_impl(
self, X: torch.Tensor, state: ListState | None
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, ListState]:
state = [None] * 3 if state is None else state
Y, state[0] = self.base_net(X, state[0])
box, state[1] = self.box_net(Y, state[1])
cls, state[2] = self.cls_net(Y, state[2])
return box, cls, state
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
boxes, clses = [], []
state = None
for time_step_x in X:
box, cls, state = self.forward_impl(time_step_x, state)
return torch.stack(boxes), torch.stack(clses)