Custom modules and layer generators
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from typing import Tuple, Optional
import norse.torch as snn
__all__ = (
# Custom modules #
class SumPool2d(nn.Module):
"""Applies a 2D average pooling over an input signal composed of several input planes
Summarizes the values of the cells of a kernel. To do this, it calls
:external:func:`torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d` and multiplies the result by the kernel area.
def __init__(self, kernel_size: int, stride: int = 1, padding: int = 0):
:param kernel_size: The size of the window.
:type kernel_size: int
:param stride: The stride of the window. Defaults to 1
:type stride: int, optional
:param padding: Implicit zero padding to be added on both sides. Defaults to 0
:type padding: int, optional
self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding = kernel_size, stride, padding
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Direct Module pass
:param X: Input tensor.
:type X: torch.Tensor
:return: Result of summing pool.
:rtype: torch.Tensor
return (
F.avg_pool2d(X, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding)
* self.kernel_size
* self.kernel_size
class Storage(nn.Module):
Stores the forward pass values
It is intended for use in feature pyramids, where you need to get multiple
matrices from different places in the network.
_storage: torch.Tensor
def forward(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Store the input tensor and returns it back
:param X: Input tensor.
:type X: torch.Tensor
:return: Input tensor.
:rtype: torch.Tensor
self._storage = X
return X
def get_storage(self) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Returns the stored tensor
:return: Stored tensor.
:rtype: torch.Tensor
temp = self._storage
self._storage = None
return temp
class ConvLSTM(nn.Module):
"""Convolutional LSTM
For more details, see https://github.com/ndrplz/ConvLSTM_pytorch/tree/master.
def __init__(
in_channels: int,
hidden_channels: int,
kernel_size: int = 1,
bias: bool = False,
:param in_channels: Number of input channels.
:type in_channels: int
:param hidden_channels: Number of hidden channels.
:type hidden_channels: int
:param kernel_size: Size of the convolving kernel. Defaults to 1.
:type kernel_size: int, optional
:param bias: If ``True``, adds a learnable bias to the output. Defaults to False.
:type bias: bool, optional
self.in_channels = in_channels
self.hidden_channels = hidden_channels
self.conv = nn.Conv2d(
in_channels=self.in_channels + self.hidden_channels,
out_channels=4 * self.hidden_channels,
def _init_hidden(self, target: torch.Tensor):
batch, _, h, w = target.shape
return (
torch.zeros((batch, self.hidden_channels, h, w), device=target.device),
torch.zeros((batch, self.hidden_channels, h, w), device=target.device),
def forward(
self, X: torch.Tensor, state: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]] = None
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]:
:param X: Input tensor. Shape [batch, channel, h, w].
:type X: torch.Tensor
:param state: Past state of the cell. Defaults to None.
It is a list of the form: (hidden state, cell state).
:type state: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]], optional
:return: List of form: (next hidden state, (next hidden state, next cell state)).
:rtype: Tuple[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]
hidden_state, cell_state = self._init_hidden(X) if state is None else state
combined = torch.cat([X, hidden_state], dim=1)
combined = self.conv(combined)
input_gate, forget_gate, out_gate, in_node = torch.split(
combined, self.hidden_channels, dim=1
I = torch.sigmoid(input_gate)
F = torch.sigmoid(forget_gate)
O = torch.sigmoid(out_gate)
C = torch.tanh(in_node)
cell_next = F * cell_state + I * C
hidden_next = O * torch.tanh(cell_next)
# This form is needed for the model generator to work
return hidden_next, (hidden_next, cell_next)
# Layer Generators #
class LayerGen:
"""Base class for model layer generators
The ``get`` method must initialize the network module and pass it to the generator
(See :class:`BlockGen`).
.. warning::
This class can only be used as a base class for inheritance.
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
"""Initializes and returns the network layer
:param in_channels: Number of input channels.
:type in_channels: int
:return: The generated module and the number of channels that will be after applying
this layer to a tensor with ``in_channels`` channels.
:rtype: Tuple[nn.Module, int]
raise NotImplementedError
class Pass(LayerGen):
"""A placeholder layer generator that does nothing
Uses :external:class:`torch.nn.Identity` module.
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
return nn.Identity(), in_channels
class Conv(LayerGen):
"""Generator of standard 2d convolution
Uses :external:class:`torch.nn.Conv2d` module.
Bias defaults to ``False``, padding is calculated automatically.
def __init__(self, out_channels: int = None, kernel_size: int = 3, stride: int = 1):
:param out_channels: Number of channels produced by the convolution.
Defaults to None.
:type out_channels: int, optional
:param kernel_size: Size of the convolving kernel. Defaults to 3.
:type kernel_size: int, optional
:param stride: Stride of the convolution. Defaults to 1.
:type stride: int, optional
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.stride = stride
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
out = in_channels if self.out_channels is None else self.out_channels
return nn.Conv2d(
padding=int(self.kernel_size / 2),
), out
class Pool(LayerGen):
"""Pooling layer generator
Uses modules :external:class:`torch.nn.AvgPool2d`,
:external:class:`torch.nn.MaxPool2d`, :class:`SumPool2d`.
def __init__(self, type: str, kernel_size: int = 2, stride: Optional[int] = None):
:param type: Pooling type.
- ``A`` - :external:class:`torch.nn.AvgPool2d`.
- ``M`` - :external:class:`torch.nn.MaxPool2d`.
- ``S`` - :class:`SumPool2d`.
:type type: str
:param kernel_size: The size of the window. Defaults to 2.
:type kernel_size: int, optional
:param stride: The stride of the window. Default value is kernel_size.
:type stride: Optional[int], optional
:raises ValueError: Non-existent pool type.
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.stride = stride if (stride is not None) else kernel_size
match type:
case "A":
self.pool = nn.AvgPool2d
case "M":
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d
case "S":
self.pool = SumPool2d
case _:
raise ValueError(f'[ERROR]: Non-existent pool type "{type}"!')
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
return self.pool(self.kernel_size, self.stride), in_channels
class Up(LayerGen):
"""Upsample layer generator
Uses :external:class:`torch.nn.Upsample` module.
def __init__(self, scale: int = 2, mode: str = "nearest"):
:param scale: Multiplier for spatial size. Defaults to 2.
:type scale: int, optional
:param mode: The upsampling algorithm: one of 'nearest', 'linear', 'bilinear',
'bicubic' and 'trilinear'. Defaults to "nearest".
:type mode: str, optional
self.scale = scale
self.mode = mode
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
return nn.Upsample(scale_factor=self.scale, mode=self.mode), in_channels
class Norm(LayerGen):
"""Batch Normalization layer generator
Uses :external:class:`torch.nn.BatchNorm2d` module.
def __init__(self, bias: bool = False):
:param bias: If True, adds a learnable bias. Defaults to False.
:type bias: bool, optional
self.bias = bias
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
norm_layer = nn.BatchNorm2d(in_channels)
if not self.bias:
norm_layer.bias = None
return norm_layer, in_channels
class LIF(LayerGen):
"""Generator of the layer of LIF neurons
Uses :external:class:`norse.torch.module.lif.LIFCell` module.
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
return snn.LIFCell(), in_channels
class LI(LayerGen):
"""Generator of the layer of LI neurons
Uses :external:class:`norse.torch.module.leaky_integrator.LICell` module.
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[snn.LICell, int]:
return snn.LICell(), in_channels
class ReLU(LayerGen):
"""ReLU layer generator
Uses :external:class:`torch.nn.ReLU` module.
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
return nn.ReLU(), in_channels
class SiLU(LayerGen):
"""SiLU layer generator
Uses :external:class:`torch.nn.SiLU` module.
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
return nn.SiLU(), in_channels
class Tanh(LayerGen):
"""SiLU layer generator
Uses :external:class:`torch.nn.Tanh` module.
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
return nn.Tanh(), in_channels
class LSTM(LayerGen):
"""LSTM layer generator
Uses :class:`ConvLSTM` module.
def __init__(self, hidden_size: Optional[int] = None):
:param hidden_size: Number of hidden channels. Defaults to None.
:type hidden_size: Optional[int], optional
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
h_size = in_channels if self.hidden_size is None else self.hidden_size
return ConvLSTM(in_channels, h_size), h_size
class Return(LayerGen):
"""Generator of layers for storing forward pass values
It is intended for use in feature pyramids, where you need to get multiple
matrices from different places in the network.
Uses :class:`Storage` module.
out_channels: int
def get(self, in_channels: int) -> Tuple[nn.Module, int]:
self.out_channels = in_channels
return Storage(), in_channels
class Residual(list):
"""Class inherited from :external:class:`list` type without changes
Needed to mark a network in the configuration as residual.
.. code-block::
:caption: Example
[*conv(out_channels, kernel)],
[Conv(out_channels, 1)],
class Dense(list):
"""Class inherited from :external:class:`list` type without changes
Needed to mark the network in the configuration as densely connected.
.. code-block::
:caption: Example
[*conv(out_channels, kernel)],
[Conv(out_channels, 1)],