Source code for run.eval

Script for network evaluation

import engine
from tqdm import tqdm
from utils.evaluate import SODAeval

[docs] def eval_spin( model: engine.Model, trainer: engine.Trainer, eval: SODAeval, params_file: str, num_eval_rounds: int, ): """Script for network evaluation :param model: Network model :type model: Model :param trainer: Training tool. :type trainer: Trainer :param eval: Evaluation tool. :type eval: SODAeval :param params_file: Parameters file name. See :class:`engine.model.Model.load_params`. :type params_file: str :param num_eval_rounds: Number of evaluation rounds. The resulting value is the average of all rounds. :type num_eval_rounds: int """ model.load_params(params_file) for _ in tqdm(range(num_eval_rounds), leave=False, desc="[Eval]"): try: data, predictions, targets = trainer.predict() eval.add(targets, predictions[-1], data[-1]) except KeyboardInterrupt: tqdm.write("[INFO]: Eval was stopped!") break except Exception as exc: tqdm.write("Error description: ", exc) tqdm.write("[ERROR]: Eval stopped due to unexpected error!") break eval.get_eval() print("[INFO]: Eval complete")