Source code for

"""General methods for working with boxes

For more details see

import torch

[docs] def box_corner_to_center(boxes): """Convert from (upper-left, lower-right) to (center, width, height)""" x1, y1, x2, y2 = boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 2], boxes[:, 3] cx = (x1 + x2) / 2 cy = (y1 + y2) / 2 w = x2 - x1 h = y2 - y1 boxes = torch.stack((cx, cy, w, h), axis=-1) return boxes
[docs] def box_center_to_corner(boxes): """Convert from (center, width, height) to (upper-left, lower-right)""" cx, cy, w, h = boxes[:, 0], boxes[:, 1], boxes[:, 2], boxes[:, 3] x1 = cx - 0.5 * w y1 = cy - 0.5 * h x2 = cx + 0.5 * w y2 = cy + 0.5 * h boxes = torch.stack((x1, y1, x2, y2), axis=-1) return boxes
[docs] def box_iou(boxes1: torch.Tensor, boxes2: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute pairwise IoU across two lists of anchor or bounding boxes :param boxes1: anchors [num_anchors, 4] - (ulw, ulh, drw, drh). :type boxes1: torch.Tensor :param boxes2: ground truth [num_gt_box, 4] - (ulw, ulh, drw, drh). :type boxes2: torch.Tensor :return: IoU. Element x_ij in the i-th row and j-th column is the IoU of the anchor box i and the ground-truth bounding box j. Shape [num_anchors, num_gt_box]. :rtype: torch.Tensor """ assert boxes1.shape == (boxes1.shape[0], 4), "Wrong box shape" assert boxes2.shape == (boxes2.shape[0], 4), "Wrong box shape" # Shape of `boxes1`, `boxes2`, `areas1`, `areas2`: (no. of boxes1, 4), # (no. of boxes2, 4), (no. of boxes1,), (no. of boxes2,) areas1 =[:, 2:] - boxes1[:, :2], dim=1) areas2 =[:, 2:] - boxes2[:, :2], dim=1) # Shape of `inter_upperlefts`, `inter_lowerrights`, `inters`: (no. of # boxes1, no. of boxes2, 2) inter_up_lefts = torch.max(boxes1[:, None, :2], boxes2[:, :2]) inter_low_rights = torch.min(boxes1[:, None, 2:], boxes2[:, 2:]) inters = torch.clamp(inter_low_rights - inter_up_lefts, min=0) # Shape of `inter_areas` and `union_areas`: (no. of boxes1, no. of boxes2) inter_areas =, dim=2) union_areas = areas1[:, None] + areas2 - inter_areas return inter_areas / union_areas
[docs] def offset_boxes(anchors, assigned_bb, eps=1e-6): """Transform for anchor box offsets""" c_anc = box_corner_to_center(anchors) c_assigned_bb = box_corner_to_center(assigned_bb) offset_xy = 10 * (c_assigned_bb[:, :2] - c_anc[:, :2]) / c_anc[:, 2:] offset_wh = 5 * torch.log(eps + c_assigned_bb[:, 2:] / c_anc[:, 2:]) offset = torch.concat([offset_xy, offset_wh], axis=1) return offset
[docs] def offset_inverse(anchors, offset_preds): """Predict bounding boxes based on anchor boxes with predicted offsets""" anc = box_corner_to_center(anchors) pred_bbox_xy = (offset_preds[:, :2] * anc[:, 2:] / 10) + anc[:, :2] pred_bbox_wh = torch.exp(offset_preds[:, 2:] / 5) * anc[:, 2:] pred_bbox = torch.concat((pred_bbox_xy, pred_bbox_wh), axis=1) predicted_bbox = box_center_to_corner(pred_bbox) return predicted_bbox
[docs] def nms(boxes, scores, class_id, num_classes, iou_threshold): """Sort confidence scores of predicted bounding boxes""" keep = [] # Indices of predicted bounding boxes that will be kept for class_idx in range(num_classes - 1): scores_cls = torch.nonzero(class_id == class_idx).squeeze(dim=1) boxes_cls = boxes[scores_cls] B = torch.argsort(scores[scores_cls], descending=True) while B.numel() > 0: i = B[0] keep.append(scores_cls[i]) if B.numel() == 1: break iou = box_iou( boxes_cls[i, :].reshape(-1, 4), boxes_cls[B[1:], :].reshape(-1, 4) ).reshape(-1) inds = torch.nonzero(iou <= iou_threshold).reshape(-1) B = B[inds + 1] return torch.tensor(keep, device=boxes.device, dtype=torch.long)
[docs] def multibox_detection( cls_probs: torch.Tensor, offset_preds: torch.Tensor, anchors: torch.Tensor, nms_threshold: float = 0.1, pos_threshold: float = 0.009999999, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Predict bounding boxes using non-maximum suppression :param cls_probs: Shape [batch, anchor, num_classes + 1] :type cls_probs: torch.Tensor :param offset_preds: Shape [batch, anchor, 4] :type offset_preds: torch.Tensor :param anchors: Shape [anchor, 4] :type anchors: torch.Tensor :param nms_threshold: Defaults to 0.1 :type nms_threshold: float, optional :param pos_threshold: Defaults to 0.009999999 :type pos_threshold: float, optional :return: Shape [batch, anchor, 6] One label contains (class, iou, luw, luh, rdw, rdh) :rtype: torch.Tensor """ device = cls_probs.device batch_size, num_anchors, num_classes = cls_probs.shape out = [] for batch_idx in range(batch_size): cls_prob, offset_pred = cls_probs[batch_idx], offset_preds[batch_idx] conf, class_id = torch.max(cls_prob, 1) predicted_bb = offset_inverse(anchors, offset_pred) class_id -= 1 keep = nms(predicted_bb, conf, class_id, num_classes, nms_threshold) # Find all non-`keep` indices and set the class to background all_idx = torch.arange(num_anchors, dtype=torch.long, device=device) combined =, all_idx)) uniques, counts = combined.unique(return_counts=True) non_keep = uniques[counts == 1] all_id_sorted =, non_keep)) class_id[non_keep] = -1 class_id = class_id[all_id_sorted] conf, predicted_bb = conf[all_id_sorted], predicted_bb[all_id_sorted] # Here `pos_threshold` is a threshold for positive (non-background) # predictions below_min_idx = conf < pos_threshold class_id[below_min_idx] = -1 conf[below_min_idx] = 1 - conf[below_min_idx] pred_info = (class_id.unsqueeze(1), conf.unsqueeze(1), predicted_bb), dim=1 ) out.append(pred_info) return torch.stack(out)